What is the Pedi- Program? The Pedi-Program is a discounted service for nail trims. The first pedicure will be full price and then we will enter your pet in…
Additional Services
A bit about worms Most worms that infect dogs and cats make their way to the intestines. They feed on the digesting food that is found in the gut or…
Our experienced team of veterinarians and veterinary technicians provides many services at our clinic, ranging from routine to advanced procedures. Although we handle the majority of your pet’s medical and…
Losing a pet can be extremely upsetting, sometimes even more so than you might expect. We have such a close bond with our pets, so letting go is never easy…
If you’re concerned about or bothered by an aspect of your pet’s behavior, we can help. Our expert can work with you and your pet to stop or change the…
Imagine if your dog or cat got lost. You’d want to give him or her the best chance of getting home. With microchipping, you can. Microchipping is a safe, permanent…